About Us

Ross County Water Company, Inc. provides potable water to approximately 15,000 customers in rural areas of Ross, Pike, Vinton, Hocking, Pickaway, and Jackson counties of Ohio. (see our service area map)  The Organization's customers are approximately 95% residential and 5% commercial.  The Organization is primarily supported by water service fees collected from its customers.

The Ross county Water Company monitors the water it produces according to standards established by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, in order to be licensed to operate the water plant.

The Organization is a user-member owned corporation.  Every person signing an application and agreement for the purchase of a water tap becomes a user-member upon payment of the required fees andd installation of the water tap.  A single membership certificate may be issued to all persons holding substantial possessory interest in the property served for which such fees have been paid.  Each membership certificate represents one vote, but in no event shall more than one vote be cast with respect to any property.  Membership transfers are to be effedctive only when noted on the books of coproration.  A sale or other disposition of the property to which the certificate is attached, automatically terminates the seller's membership.

The Ross County Water Company has held a steady growth since its inception.  Growth continues due to extensions of water mains and construction of homes in rural areas.  Additionally, Ross County Water is providing the sale of bulk water to other water companies.

At Ross County Water Company, Inc., our goal is to provide safe, clean, sparkling water to all of our residents! 

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